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db-oracle: Oracle database bindings for Node.js

For detailed information about this and other Node.js database bindings visit the Node.js db-mysql homepage.


OCI libraries

Before proceeding with installation, you need to have the OCI instant client libraries and include files. For example, you download theinstantclient-basic-linux.x64- library file, and the instantclient-sdk-linux.x64- SDK file, and save them in your $HOME/Downloads directory. You would then uncompress both files, and move the generated directory to your/opt path:

$ cd $HOME/Downloads
$ unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
$ unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64- 
$ sudo mv instantclient_11_2/ /opt/instantclient

After uncompressing you will probably need to create symbolink links:

$ cd /opt/instantclient
$ sudo ln -s libocci.so.11.1 libocci.so
$ sudo ln -s libclntsh.so.11.1 libclntsh.so

You will also need libaio. In Arch Linux this can easily be installed with:

$ sudo pacman -S libaio

On Debian based distros:

$ sudo apt-get install libaio

Configuring OCI

Once you have the library and include files installed, and in order for the installation script to locate them properly, you'll need to set theOCI_INCLUDE_DIR and OCI_LIB_DIR environment variables. For example:

$ export OCI_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/instantclient/sdk/include/
$ export OCI_LIB_DIR=/opt/instantclient


Once the environment variables are set, install with npm:

$ npm install db-oracle

You should also add the OCI library path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/instantclient


var oracle = require('db-oracle');
new oracle.Database({
    hostname: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: 'password',
    database: 'node'
}).connect(function(error) {
    if (error) {
        return console.log("CONNECTION ERROR: " + error);

    this.query().select('*').from('users').execute(function(error, rows) {
        if (error) {
            return console.log('ERROR: ' + error);
        console.log(rows.length + ' ROWS');


This module is released under the MIT License.